A street of famous businesses and stores—Bai Yuchi Alley

A street of famous businesses and stores—JingXiang Alley

A street of local specialties

The settled business 85cafe

Adhering to the modern design concept, the stores in the Business Leisure District of Guluotang Tourism Cultural Scenic Area keep in line with the ancient residential buildings with large widths, small depths and complete supporting facilities. In addition, the underground parking lot with over 200 spaces holding medium and small vehicles of various types, together with the 24-hour security guarantee, can fully meet the demands of modern businesses. Some world famous brands like Starbucks and Pizza Hut are attracted to settle in Jiangyan Guluotang Tourism Cultural Scenic Area. People taste the delicacies and enjoy leisure moments in these antique buildings. The fusion of Chinese and western culinary culture becomes a new feature of business culture in Guluotang Tourism Cultural Scenic Area.